The Modern Foreign Languages department at Rye Hills Academy utilises these core beliefs to develop curious and confident language learners of the future who will have the skills and capacity to master whichever language they may choose.
During their time with us at Rye Hills, students have the opportunity to visit France and Spain with the Academy. Cultural trips aim to ‘put into practice’ the skills learnt within the classroom and students are encouraged to practise their Spanish throughout the visit. This is a real opportunity to bring the subject to life for our learners. For those unable to travel, we bring the world to our classroom by celebrating festivals, being exposed to the latest songs, cultural anthems, clips from French and Spanich news and interviews, and authentic texts from French and Spanish literature, newspapers and magazines. All students have the opportunity to develop conversational language skills and the necessary key language to successfully complete daily tasks such as booking a table in a restaurant, hotel reservations, asking for directions etc. Comme c’est génial!
What do our students say?
I really enjoy learning French. Learning a new language is fun because you’re learning how to communicate with different people. - William Year 9
I’m really glad I took French at GCSE. The teacher is nice and knowledgeable, and as well as learning a new language, I am improving my problem-solving skills. - Becky Year 10
I love learning Spanish because I really enjoy learning how Spanish people communicate. Learning about food and culture is eye-opening! Plus, our teacher is lovely which helps. - Josie Year 9
Spanish is a great GCSE option. It helps you to broaden your horizons, learn about culture and it helps to find the interconnections between culture and languages. - Jack Year 10
Our curriculum
In addition to our aim of creating independent, motivated language learners, MFL also contributes to the development of cultural capital in a variety of ways every lesson. Language and culture are explored every lesson, covering a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Year 7
- Mi tiempo libro
- Me encanta el verano
Year 8
- Las vacaciones el año pasado
- Las vacaciones este verano
- A comer
- El deporte / la salud
- Los medios y la tecnología
- De compras
Year 9
- Los jóvenes
- En el extranjero
- Mi futuro
- Cuando era joven
- Bienvenido a mi casa
- Festivales
Year 10
- Travel and tourism
- School
- Education post-16 and Jobs
- Healthy living
- Technology in everyday life
- Family, marriage and partnership
Year 11
- Social and Global issues
- Where I live
Year 7
- Mon collège
- Là où j’habite
Year 8
- Mes passe-temps
- Je suis sportif
- L’année dernière en vacances
- Les médias
Year 9
- Mon avenir
- Quand j’étais plus jeune
Year 10
- Travel and tourism
- School
- Education post-16 and Jobs
- Healthy living
- Technology in everyday life
- Family, marriage and partnership
Year 11
- Social and Global issues
- Where I live